
ANNOUNCEMENT request for offer - actuarial model
Concerning the contracting of consulting services, in the actuarial field, 
for the review of the actuarial calculation methodology and model,
provided by Norm no. 2/2013, regarding the actuarial calculation of the annual
contribution owed by private pension administrators, with subsequent amendments
and additions (Norn No. 2/2013 can be consulted and downloaded from
the Legislation area).

Offers can be sent until 15.11.2024, at 12:00, 
to the e-mail address: or to the FGDSPP headquarters,
in Tudor Vladimirescu Blvd. 22, Green Gate Offices Building, Floor 4,
Sector 5, Bucharest.

For additional relations, please contact Ms. Gabriela Craciunica,
tel: 0748.029.720, e-mail: The selection requirements for bidders are described in the file below!

Active ads will be available for download within 30 days of expiration.